Good Product Design is Effective

It works. Very, very well. That’s it.

Samuel Onyango
Nov 15, 2022

We can pontificate all we want about what makes great design. But it really comes down to two principles.

  1. It works.
  2. Very, very well.

“It works” means it functions. No silly hitches. And it does the job it’s mean to do. It also means I can use it without difficulty.

“Very, very well” takes “it works” deeper. It means I’d rather do with it anytime. It is reliable. And it is super-smooth in its solving my problem or ambition.

Anything, not just apps, should be designed to be effective. Policies. Buildings. Strategy.

That’s good design.



Samuel Onyango

Global award-winning strategist. UX / product designer. Tech enthusiast. Strategy Director at Ogilvy in Africa