The good idea about bad ideas

Samuel Onyango
Dec 15, 2023


Usually, there are 5 kinds of bad ideas.

  1. Outrightly stupid
  2. Common / lazy
  3. Controversial
  4. Never been done
  5. People are afraid of it

The first 2 are actually bad ideas. They don’t move anything. They are dead weight.

The last 3 are good ideas. They make people uncomfortable. They actually move things. They stretch the world. You are actually thinking.

Want to know you have a good idea? It’s controversial. It’s never been done. People are afraid of it.

It elicits debate. Deep thought. Opens people’s minds.

Try to crack those kinds of ideas.

Real creativity is strange.

By the way, Tesla was a terrible idea because all electric car efforts had failed before then…

I’ll be spending the next few months exploring some bad ideas.



Samuel Onyango

Global award-winning strategist. UX / product designer. Tech enthusiast. Strategy Director at Ogilvy in Africa